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  • How to use Trade Assist

    To use Trade Assist, you must first make sure that you have Trade Assist turned on for your account. Go to the Database, click your avatar in the top right corner, and select EDIT ACCOUNT. Scroll down past you personal info and check the box next to TradeAssist under Opt-In Information:




    When you enter your My Pin Dashboard, you'll see TRADE ASSIST ACTIVE or TRADE ASSIST INACTIVE on your "Trades" button (Active means you have Trade Assist turned on and Inactive means you do not have it turned on):




    Be sure to do your best to keep your “Wants” and “Trades” up to date. Successful matches will depend on how accurate your lists are.

    Is there a particular pin you want and need to find out who might have it and if there are pins you have that they want?

    Once you click on the pin you are seeking, scroll down to the Trade Assistant section on the left side. You should see the question, “What pins can I trade for this?” (If you don’t see the questions, you probably haven’t opted into the Trade Assist. See above.)

    The results you see will indicate individuals who have the pin you want and will tell you which pins they want that you are offering to trade. Below that person’s “Wants”, you will see “Send Trade Message”. Below that, you will see the names of other members who have
    that pin to trade. Click on the down arrow on the right to show the pins they are seeking. Decide which member you wish to propose a trade with, mark the pins you think would be a fair trade or options for the other trader to choose from and send a message. You may need to offer more than one pin to make a trade that is fair.

    Is there a particular pin you want to trade and need to find out who might want the pin?

    Once you click on the pin you want to trade, scroll down to the Trade Assistant section on the left side. You should see the question, “What pins can I get for this?”

    The results you see will indicate individuals who want the pin you have and what pins they have that are on your “Wants” list. Again, you will see “Send Trade Message” at the bottom of that individual’s list of traders. Below that, you will see the names of other members who want that pin. Click on the down arrow on the right to show the pins they have to trade.

    Decide which member you wish to propose a trade with, mark the pins you think would be a fair trade and send a message. You may need to offer more than one pin to make a trade that is fair.

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