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Glitches with New Trade Requests/Messages?

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I've messaged several people/sent trade requests, and I keep hearing from them that the pin(s) I'm requesting aren't even on their trade list, or the message tells them I'm asking for a pin when I'm actually offering it. The whole system just seems pretty glitchy.


I found the issue - and it is when you Select - What Pins Can I get For This - This was fixed a couple of weeks ago - and somehow it reverted back. I have sent a note to our programmer and it will be fixed today.


Thank you @echoharmony for bringing this to our attention!


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@echoharmony this has been fixed! Thank you for bringing this to my attention!



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  • 1 month later...

Hi @echoharmony I just did tests both ways and the messages are correct. Try clearing your browsing data. 

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