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Please help ID a Star Wars pin

Go to solution Solved by michaelmichael,

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I am having trouble identifying this Star Wars pin.  I scrolled through all 76 pages of results when I searched on Star Wars.  


I traded for this pin at WDW a couple of weeks ago.  Really hoping I didn't get another counterfeit.


The back of the pin is really silver, a trick of lighting has it looking darker than it really is.




It looks like it has a slight boarder around it. What is the date on the pin as I can't read it.

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Here he is! He's from a 2018 booster pack. Now, I'm not 100% certain there are scrappers of this pin, as those trading ratios could just be due to him being a low-demand character, but I am seeing some other listings for him with wonky bright colours and there do exist some that don't have that little border in the waffling. I'll look into it, but since the colouring on yours is hard to make out, start by using your best judgment as to whether your pin matches the images in the database/other listings.

Edited by michaelmichael
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Posted (edited)

Okay, I've had a look around the internet. Again, I haven't seen these pins in person so someone else could tell you for sure what to look for, but I am noticing a couple things to compare and contrast. A, I am under the impression that the red and blue border should be pretty uniform, with the blue part not bleeding into the red squares. B, I can't verify their authenticity, but I'm also seeing some pins where his face actually has two tones of yellow to it, a main pastel yellow and then a more sunshiney dark yellow to highlight under his face. No guarantees that two tones = good, but we do know that scrappers sometimes tend to flatten the range of colour or otherwise get it slightly wrong.


And as an aside, here's my method to validating sales listings online. It's not a surefire method, as these things are surprisingly fallible; I look first for pins on the original backing, but that can be faked too (seeing a listing for the booster on the auction site where the back looks fine, but the pins actually look pretty bad). From there it's mostly just prioritizing listings that mention buying in the parks as opposed to trading. One, because they at least try to vouch for the origin, and two, because sometimes scrapper sellers will angle less for "authentic" and more for "tradeable," which is an ineffective measure of quality because you can trade pretty much anything with a Disney copyright on it to an undiscerning enough CM.


EDIT: Heheh, didn't mean to go off on a tangent there. I just found myself looking to sales listings when the database images were lacking - I think they can be an equally good tool if you're careful.

Edited by michaelmichael
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PinPics 129888 - Part of a 6-pin Star Wars: SOLO Booster pack (PP127756).


For the most part, bulk pin sales are mostly junk. There are some pin sites with legitimate bulk pin sales.

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Thanks guys!  Any color wonkiness in the pic is definitely due the lighting where I took the picture.  I had either too much or not enough light as my options.


Both michaelmichael and firechief18 correctly id'ed the pin for me.  Don't know if I can mark two replies as the solution, but will try.

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