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Older pins for Trade


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If you are new to the hobby I would like to suggest that you take some time and look at some of the older pins in the database that up for trade.  I have found that most folks are concentrating on the newer pins and have not gone very deep into the database for pins that they might find suits their interests. After +20 years of doing this I have lots of older pins that folks might be interested in.  Please go take a look, a lot of us "old timers" have collections and traders that are interesting and some pins that just are almost impossible to find anymore.   



Mike S.


Edited by figment919
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A very good reminder! When browsing through the database and adding "wants" to the list, it can be easy to start at the new pins and never make it into the older things.

Also, it's great to know to check your older pins. Sis and I have lots of older pins that we'd like, but it gets discouraging sometimes when trying to trade for them. So often, the traders with older pins are not as active. Hope you get some good trades!!

~ Sarah


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I love the older pins! I always sort the list by oldest!

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Some of the older pins are very unique.   I love seeing them in trade books because you rarely do.  It's different!   Trading pins is a great hobby and you always have opportunities to meet fun people.   Be sure to enjoy the people as well as the pins.  Every pin has a story but so do the traders you are talking to.

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